Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Matt: White, Brad: Black, November 28, 2006.

1. e2-e4, e7-e5.
2. ng1-f3, d7-d6
3. c2-c4, bc8-g4.
4. bf1-e2, ng8-f6.
5. 0-0, nf6xe4.
6. d2-d3, ne4-c5
7. b2-b4, nc5-e6.
8. nb1-c3, g7-g5
9. qd1-a4+, qd8-d7.
10. be2-d1, h7-h5.
11. nc3-e4, h5-h4.
12. ne4-f6+, ke8-e7.
13. nf6xd7, nb8xd7.
14. nf3xg5, ne6xg5. 
15. bc1xg5+, f7-f6.
16. bd1xg4, f6xg5.
17. bg4xd7, a7-a6.
18. ra1-e1, rh8-h6.
19. a2-a3, c7-c6.
20. re1-e4, bf8-g7.
21. qa4-a5, g5-g4.
22. d3-d4, ke7xd7.
23. d4xe5, rh6-e6. 
24. re4xg4, bg7xe5.
25. rg4xh4, re6-e7.
26. qa5-a4, re7-e8.
27. b4-b5, a6xb5
28. qa4-b3, b7-b6.
29. rh4-h6, be5-d4.
30. g2-g3, bd4-c5.
31. h2-h4, bc5xa3. 
32. rf1-a1, ba3-c5.
33. qb3-b2, b5xc4.
34. rh6-f6, b6-b5.
34. qb2-c1, re8-f8.
35. qc1-f4, c4-c3.
36. rf6xf8, ra8xa1+
37. kg1-g2, c3-c2.
38. rf8-a8, c2-c1=q
39. qf4xc1, ra1xc1. 
40. ra8-g8, rc1-c2.
41. rg8-f8, kd7-e7.
42. rf8-c8, bc5xf2.
43. rc8Xc6, rc2xc6.
44. kg2Xf2, b5-b4.
45. h4-h5, rc6-c8.
46. h5-h6, rc8-h8.

White resigns.
End of Round One.
Next Up: Gino vs. Sex Machine, B-God vs. D-Mac.

Saturday, November 18, 2006

Dropping the Soap

Ever wondered what the highest rated Soap Opera's of all time are?
I just found myself wondering that while watching my roommate feed her "The Young and The Restless" addiction.
So, here is a list ranking the top soaps of all time. Take a look at Number Nine!

Friday, November 17, 2006

"...and play the odd game of chess."

Sunday, November 12, 2006

Warwick Davis Is Dead

Or, maybe he just lives in Alabama now.

Update: Now, with added hit single goodness!

Great Album Covers, Part 2

Larry Young - "Unity", 1965

Youtubin' It To Death

"I got to take you higher!"

Imagine you had just woke up on THIS side of the bed: You find yourself on national TV after having just been released from prison on bail. You are charged with allegedly hitting your wife with a lead pipe, then firing a few rounds at her car as she fled your home. How would you then face the nation?

Probably not the way James Brown did.

Great Album Covers, Part 1

Mel Torme With The Marty Paich Dek-tette: "Lulu's Back In Town", 1956

Clapping Music

Saturday, November 11, 2006

Pull Out Method Acting

aka "From Kings of Church & Wellesley to Beyond: A True Story"

Let me tell you a tale, dear reader. A tale which seems to flutter in the winds of fable like a kite on a spring day, but, much like the person holding the kite's string, is actually quite grounded in fact.

Fact #1: Prior to landing roles on MTV's Undressed, our two heroes, seen here, were but two faceless Joe's blending in as seamlessly as two straight men can while within Toronto's famed Church & Wellesley district.

Fact #2: Years after this aired, our two heroes were the subject of a conversation between their bosses and the owner of a prominent nightclub in said district. Quoth the blushing club owner: "Those boys are something of a legend around here". A conclusion which would lead you, dear reader, to suspect this was just another case of post-role method acting gone tragicomically awry.

In an effort to avoid burdening this urban fable with details, it shall suffice to note that our heroes' meteoric rise to the annals of Church & Wellesley's newly bitheic mythology was fuelled by many a Jagermeister one December weeknight, as our boys rose Phoenix-like from the smoldering ashes of one lesbian bartender's deeply felt personal tragedy.

Fact #3: As if to hammer the final nail into the coffin of the maxim "there are no second acts in American lives", our heroes joined the ranks of famous historical heroes and villains who have also promised a triumphant and vengeant return. Though preceded by neither the Four Horsemen nor a pubescent Edward Furlong, their return was preceded by one WilliamStosine who brought these icons back to life via the magic of youtube, curiously only asking us to "search keyword boyg33 for more videos" in return. As our heroes fame and legacy now unfurls itself across the seven seas via the world wide web, we can reflect on the Elite Club they have joined when you search boyg33 on youtube.

Move over Cher, there are new icons in town!
And move over F. Scott Fitzgerald, as we now usher in a new venerable maxim for the modern era: "A beefcake seen twice is twice as nice!"

The Oldest Surviving Recording?

"The world earliest playable sound recording – voices from 1878 of an experimental talking clock."

Transferred from the original lead cylinder, here is Frank Lambert's Talking Clock

"Consquatch" rhymes with "crotch".

Luckily, so does "watch!"

Live at Sasquatch.

From Stripe To Checkerboard Order On The Square Lattice

Delmaestro seduces the truth out of the doped cupric oxide planes, and finds that the Charge Density Waves in these planes are fickle mistresses.

  • Abstract
  • Gino vs D-Mac, November 11, 2006

    Gino: White, Doug: Black
    White Resigns (0-1)

  • Link
  • Thursday, November 09, 2006

    Eye of the Tiger

    And so it begins!
  • The 801 Chessmasters

  • Until one of us is crowned 801 Chessmaster, may God have mercy on our souls.

    Tuesday, November 07, 2006

    The Life Of The Party

    "Let us say the game may be continued in two ways: one of them is a beautiful tactical blow that gives rise to variations that don't yield to precise calculation; the other is clear positional pressure that leads to an endgame with microscopic chances of victory.... I would choose the latter without thinking twice. If the opponent offers keen play I don't object; but in such cases I get less satisfaction, even if I win, than from a game conducted according to all the rules of strategy with its ruthless logic."

  • - Anatoly Karpov
  • Brad: White, Doug: Black, November 7, 2006

    1. e2-e4, e7-e5.
    2. ng1-f3, nb8-c6.
    3. c2-c4, ng8-h6.
    4. d2-d3, f7-f5.
    5. e4xf5, nh6xf5.
    6. qd1-e2, bf8-b4+.
    7. bc1-d2, 0-0.
    8. h2-h4, d7-d6.
    9. qe2-e4, h7-h6.
    10. g2-g4, g7-g6.
    11. g4-g5, qd8-e8.
    12. g5xh6, nf5xh6.
    13. a2-a3, bb4-c5.
    14. bd2xh6, nc6-a5.
    15. h4-h5, na5-b3.
    16. rh1-g1, nb3-c1.
    17. rg1xg6+, kg8-h8.
    18. bh6-g7+, kh8-g8.
    19. nf3-g5, bc5xf2+.
    20. ke1-d2, nc1-b3+.
    21. kd2-e2, qe8-c6.
    22. h5-h6, rf8-f5.
    23. h6-h7#

    Chris: White, Doug: Black, November 1, 2006

    Chris: White, Doug: Black, October 29, 2006

    Doug: White, Brad: Black, October 7, 2006

    1. e2-e4, c7-c5
    2. d2-d3, Qd8-c7
    3. g2-g3, Qc7-e5
    4. Ng1-f3, Qe5xe4+
    5. d3xe4, e7-e5
    6. Nf3xe5, Bf8-d6
    7. Ne5-g4, Ng8-f6
    8. Bf1-c4, Nf6xg4
    9. Qd1xg4, h7-h5
    10. Qg4xg7, Rh8-f8
    11. Bc1-g5, Bd6-e7
    12. Qg7-e5, d7-d6
    13. Qe5xe7#

    Chris: White, Doug: Black, October 6, 2006

    Brad: White, Doug: Black, Sept 28, 2006

    1. b2-b4, d7-d5.
    2. d2-d4, Ng8-f6.
    3. e2-e3, Bc8-g4.
    4. bf1-e2, e7-e6.
    5. h2-h3, Bg4-h5.
    6. g2-g4, Bh5-g6.
    7. b4-b5, a7-a6.
    8. b5xa6, Ra8xa6.
    9. be2-b5+, c7-c6.
    10. bb5-e2, Ra6-a4.
    11. c2-c3, Nf6-e4.
    12. qd1xa4, Nb8-a6.
    13. f2-f3, Ne4-g5.
    14. be2xa6, b7xa6
    15. a4xc6+, Qd8-d7.
    16. Qc6-a8+, Qd7-d8.
    17. Qa8xa6, Bf8-d6.
    18. Bc1-a3, 0-0.
    19. Ba3xd6, Rf8-e8.
    20. h3-h4, Qd8-c8.
    21. Qa6-a7, Bg6-d3.
    22. h4xg5, h7-h5.
    23. Rh1xh5, Re8-d8.
    24. Bd6-e5, Qc8-d7.
    25. Ke1-d2, Bd3-c4.
    26. a2-a4, Qd7xa7.
    27. a4-a5, f7-f6.
    28. g5xf6, g7xf6.
    29. be5xf6, Qa7-c7.
    30. Rh5-g5+, Kg8-f7.
    31. Bf6-e5, Qc7-e7.
    32. f3-f4, Qe7-f8.
    33. a5-a6, Rd8-a8.
    34. Nb1-a3, Bc4xa6.
    35. Ra1-b1, Qf8-h6.
    36. Rg5-g7, Kf7-e8.
    37. g4-g5, Qh6-h2+.
    38. Ng1-e2, Ba6xe2.
    39. f4-f5, Ra8xa3.
    40. Be5xh2, Ra3-a2+
    41. Kd2-c1, Be2-d3.
    42. Rb1-b8#,

    Chris: White, Doug: Black, September 25, 2006

    Chris: White, Doug: Black, September 25, 2006

    Chris: White, Doug: Black, September 18, 2006

    Monday, November 06, 2006

    Chris: White, Doug: Black, September 12, 2006

    Chris: White, Doug: Black, August 14, 2006

    Brad: White, Doug: Black, July 26, 2006

    . b2-b4, e7-e5.
    2. a2-a4, a7-a5.
    3. c2-c3, Ng8-f6.
    4. e2-e4, d7-d5.
    5. bf1-b5+, Nb8-c6.
    6. Ng1-f3, Bf8-d6.
    7. h2-h4, d5xe4.
    8. Nf3-g5, 0-0.
    9. b4xa5, Ra8xa5.
    10. Bb5-c4, Nf6-g4.
    11. f2-f3, e4xf3.
    12. g2xf3, h7-h5.
    13. f3xg4, Bc8xg4.
    14. qd1-c2, e5-e4.
    15. ng5xe4, Bd6-f4.
    16. d2-d3, Ra5-f5.
    17. a4-a5, Nc6-e5.
    18. bc4-b5, c7-c6.
    19. bb5-c4, b7-b5.
    20. bc4-b3, Bf4xc1.
    21. qc2xc1, Ne5xd3+.
    22. ke1-d2, Nd3xc1+.
    23. kd2-xc1, b5-b4.
    24. c3-xb4, Rf5-f4.
    25. ne4-d2, Qd8-d4.
    26. rh1-e1, Qd4xa1.
    27. nd2-e4, Rf8-d8.
    28. a5-a6, Qa1-xa6.
    29. ne4-g5, Rf4-xb4.
    30. bb3-xf7+, Kg8-h8.
    31. re1-e6, Rd8-f8.
    32. re6-h6+, d7-xh6.
    White resigns

    Brad: White, Doug: Black, July 12, 2006

    1. d2-d4, d7-d5
    2. e2-e3, Nb8-c6
    3. b2-b4, Bc8-f5.
    4. b4-b5, Nc6-b4.
    5. h2-h4, Nb4xc2+.
    6. ke1-e2, Nc2xa1
    7. bc1-d2, a7-a6.
    8. b5xa6, Ra8xa6.
    9. nb1-c3, Bf5-c2.
    10. qd1-c1, e7-e5.
    11. qc1xa1, e5xd4.
    12. nc3xd5, qd1xd5.
    13. qa1-b2, d4-d3+.
    14. ke2-e1, Ra6xa2.
    15. qb2-b4, Ra2-a1+.
    16. bd2-c1, Bf1xb4#.

    Brad: White, Doug: Black, May 10, 2006

    1. g2-g4, d7-d5
    2. Bf1-g2, e7-e6
    3. Ng1-f3, Nb8-c6
    4. d2-d4, h7-h5
    5. bg2-h3, e6-e5
    6. nf3-nxe5, Nc6xe5
    7. d4-xe5, h5-xg4
    8. bh3-xg4, Bc8-xg4
    9. f2-f3, Bg4-h3
    10. 0-0, Bf8-c5+
    11. kg1-h1, Rh8-h6
    12. rf1-g1, Rh6-g6
    13. rg1-g3, Rg6-xg3
    14. h2-xg3, Qd8-d7
    15. g3-g4, d5-d4
    16. nb1-d2, 0-0-0
    17. nd2-e4, Bc4-b3
    18. a2-a3, Qd7-e7
    19. a3-xb4, Kc8-b8
    20. kh1-h2, Qe7-h4
    21. bc1-g5, Qh4-h7
    22. bg5-xd8, Bh3-xg4+
    23. kh2-g1, Bg4-e6
    24. qd1-xd4, Qh7-g6+
    25. kg1-f1, Be6-h3+
    26. kf1-f2, Qg6-b6
    27. kf2-e3, Ng8-h6
    28. c2-c3, Nh6-f5+
    29. ke3-f4, Nf5-xd4
    30. e2-e3, Nd4-e2+
    31. kf4-g5, Qb6-h6#